Erica’s job search journey: Meet our newest job champion

Jobs Champion Erica


Erica, Glenorchy resident, spent 12 months job seeking since graduating in 2021. Erica immigrated to Tasmania from Taiwan in 2016 for her studies. She found applications to be challenging due to high reliance on local connections. Eventually, she came to Glenorchy Jobs Hub, and with the support from our job’s coaches, she now has a role that she loves.
We caught up with Erica recently to chat about her job seeking journey.

What struggles did you come against during your job search?

Having immigrated, I felt the Australian jobs market was beyond my reach. It was incredibly different from my home country. You needed a referral point even to find most positions.
I felt as though I was swimming in the ocean during this time. I felt lost, and I didn’t know where I was going. Thanks to some help from the Migrant Resource Centre, I was introduced to Glenorchy Jobs Hub.

How was your experience with Glenorchy Jobs Hub?

Once I started using the Hub, I loved it! The team was open, friendly, and sympathetic to my situation. They took the time to get to know me, my passions, skills and dreams. They always made me feel welcome and encouraged me with each application.
The more I used the Hub, the more I got out of it. The Hub became a valuable support for my job search, collaborating with me on each step of the journey. They provided me with help, training, and resources when I needed them. Thanks to these supports, I became comfortable with the application process, which led to me finding my current role.

Tell us about your new role as an Administrations Assistant?

I love my role! I find my team supportive, and the work keeps me motivated to do better every day. It is great to be part of a team and work with such a fun and diverse work culture. I enjoy working with customers and making a positive impact on them.
Moving forward, I want to continue enjoying my work and my team. I want to keep improving and continue positively affecting others and my community.

How has the Hub helped you since finding employment?

The Hub continues to be a valuable support for me even today. They still contact me to see how I am going and if I need help. They are an excellent touchpoint for any situation, offering helpful and supportive advice.
Because of all the support, I always recommend the Hub to my family and friends. The Hub team are great and managed to turn my situation around. They made it a positive and rewarding journey to find my current role!

We wish Erica all the best and look forward to her continued success!


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